Monday, September 27, 2010

6 Pack of Questions

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news being that you are about to read the UNH lax fall ball questions that literally everyone is talking about. The bad news is that Quint Kessenich backed out at the last minute for a live chat on the blog. Therefore, I have decided to handle it myself.

1) What is the schedule looking like for the spring?
We have a very exciting and challenging schedule for the 2011 season. Of course, we have our familiar foes of the PCLL which always brings exciting action. We will be welcoming Colorado to Durham for a much anticipated re-match from last year. The hit just keep on coming as we will travel out west to take on Santa Clara, Wisconsin, and wait for it........ Arizona State. Rack up some frequent flyer miles while you can, you will not want to miss that trip.

2) Who will fill the shoes for the defense?
Last year we graduated two starting close defensemen, one LSM, and lost the services of another LSM due to some business in Beijing program or something. We have many new candidates chomping at the bit to get a piece of the action. Keep an eye out for converted goalie RJ, ( sans flow) freshmen Kris Johnson, Alex Sellar, Zach Merrigan, and Chris Morse to make an impact. Thankfully, we return D-middies Jordan Gauvin, Tom Narazzo, and Tim Harrington to help ease the transition.

3) Who will take the faceoffs?
I simply do not know. Jordan Gauvin, Dan Milano, Zach Goodwin, and Matt Essaray have all been taken draws at practice. It is a wide open competition.

4) Who are the fresh faces to keep an eye on?
This list is long so settle in.... "T" Keane is a little (literally) spark plug worth noticing for the attack. Kyle Kenny ( spelling?), C. Ryan, Cal Bailey, Zach Goodwin, Ethan Gauvin, and "Stokes" are playing well and ready to make noise from the midfield. Zach Merrican, Kris Johnson, Chris Morse, are the new long poles. Youth will be served this year.

5) Who is the blogger's break out player of the year?
It's hard to say that Evan Flower is going to break out after an All American selection last year, but he is a ticking time bomb ready to shred chone darts all over New England. My second pick: Garret Buckley , wait til you see his pecs.

6) Is it true that Rj cut his flow?
I don't want to talk about it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

UNH Lacrosse Is Hitting The Links

(Coach Sullivan, St. Germain, and Clarke respectively)

On Friday October 8th the UNH men's lacrosse team will be hosting an all day golf extravaganza. Take the day off, call out sick, drop the kids off at a friend's house and come enjoy 18 beautiful holes at the Oaks Golf Course in Somersworth, New Hampshire. Not only will you get to stripe some fairways, you will enjoy a fine lunch and walk away with a nice bag of goodies. This really is a true win-win get some golf in, meet the team, and help us with our fundraiser. I suggest getting a foursome together and try to make a run at winning it, which will be a tough task, as I already have my ringers notified and taking practice swings in the backyard.

Here is a link with more details and registration

See you at the 19th hole...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


UNH lacrosse is proud to announce its 2011 lacrosse captains. We have two newcomers and one familiar face leading us. Lets take a minute and get to meet the student-athletes.

Evan Flower- Junior Attackman who occasionally rips chone darts. Still anxiously awaiting first facial hair. WOMBAAAATS

Tom Nazarro- Senior Midfielder who moonlights as the team's president. Tom lifts weights, eats cake, and frowns upon The Hamel Recreation Center for their policy on sleeves.

Dan Milano ( on the right) A senior Midfielder who returns for his second season as a captain. Milano has a split dodge like a wishbone and knowledge of all major works of literature like Wishbone...

I have no idea who the kid on the left is, thank God, looks like a duster.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

From The Ashes It Rises

For those of you out there who are unaware, Durham's finest Navy, which belonged to the gentlemen at 34/36 Young Drive, was tragically sunk in a peace keeping mission last year. While the waters were left unguarded, the river behind the house became less certain than the coast of Somalia,

Not to fear, the Young Drive Navy has risen again. Thanks to yours truly we can all breath a little easier as I found an inflatable raft this week. I am obviously the vessels fearless sea captain, with Tim Harrington and Dan Milano serving as the skipper and first mate respectively. This is a warning to all schools close to the water ( cough BC NORTHEASTERN cough) that you are being watched.